
Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell says the U.S. central bank is looking at whether to issue a digital dollar with a “very broad scope.” He noted that the Fed is collaborating with Congress and the executive branch on whether to issue a central bank digital currency. Fed Chair Powell on Digital Dollar Progress Federal Reserve
The White House released its first comprehensive framework this month for the Responsible Development of Digital Assets following President Joe Biden’s March 9 executive order. The order called for regulators to assess the industry and develop recommendations to safeguard investors while simultaneously promoting innovation. While more work is needed, the framework is a step in
The United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) Market Risk Advisory Committee (MRAC) held its first meeting with its new membership Sept. 28. In her opening statement, the committee’s sponsor, Commissioner Kristin N. Johnson, ran through a laundry list of issues for consideration, but spent the bulk of her time talking about digital assets. This is
United States Senators Marsha Blackburn and Cynthia Lummis have introduced proposed changes to a 2015 bill that would allow “voluntary information sharing of cyber threat indicators among cryptocurrency companies.” According to a draft bill on amending the Cybersecurity Information Sharing Act of 2015, Blackburn and Lummis suggested U.S. lawmakers allow companies involved with distributed ledger
JPMorgan Chase’s CEO Jamie Dimon feels threatened by how the crypto space is disrupting the payment systems, stated the Shark Tank host and multi-millionaire venture capitalist Kevin O’Leary speaking at a Converge22 panel on Sept 28.  O’Leary made his remarks after Dimon declared himself as a “major skeptic” on “crypto tokens, which you call currency,
The assets of crypto brokerage firm Voyager Digital would face a drastically different fate if FTX did not win the bid, claimed a spokesperson of Wave Financial while speaking to Cointelegraph. The spokesperson argued that better bids were on the table, but they “were passed over for strictly cash offers.” Wave, an SEC-registered digital asset
There’s more to crypto than just assets, Bank of England Deputy Governor Sir Jon Cunliffe reminded the Association for Financial Markets in Europe Conference in London on Sept. 28. The distributed ledger technology (DLT) behind crypto assets has far-reaching implications for traditional markets and interoperability.  DLT will touch on trading, clearing, settlement and custody as it is
press release PRESS RELEASE. Finally, the moment has arrived. A dozen hours have gone into farming the materials needed for a brand-new mighty axe. The epic weapon crafted at the forge will take the player to unprecedented heights of power, but only for the player to discover it does not have any real value. This
Following the extremely volatile European markets during the past few days and the euro and pound dropping rapidly against the U.S. dollar, the Bank of England has decided to intervene in bond markets. U.K. government bond yields have been erratic and the pound sterling also dropped to a lifetime low against the greenback. On Wednesday,